
Protect Veterans From Fraud

Texas Churchgoers Welcomed the Poor, but Sensed This One Was Trouble

Al interior de un tribunal de guerra estadounidense: la ropa y la cultura en Guantánamo

Science Panel Staffed With Trump Appointees Says E.P.A. Rollbacks Lack Scientific Rigor

New top story on Hacker News: Happy 10th Birthday,

New top story on Hacker News: Movie Theater in town created by Disney World closed for almost a decade (2018)

Wikipedia article of the day for January 1, 2020

Happily married for 60 years. Then Alzheimer’s. And a gun.

The benefits of family exercise: How staying healthy together helps to strengthen family bonds

A 7-Eleven in Japan might close for a day. Yes, that’s a big deal

A rare place in Afghanistan where women feel free to exhale

New water therapy programme helps children with special needs

For China’s pickup artists, sex is the goal and urging suicide is a tactic

FOX NEWS: Matt Lauer dating marketing executive Shamin Abas: report

FOX NEWS: Britney Spears dances with sister Jamie Lynn, nieces in sweet video

FOX NEWS: Robert Durst wrote note about location of friend's body in 2000, defense admits

FOX NEWS: Lily Tomlin says Jane Fonda is 'a real toughie' following arrests

FOX NEWS: Meghan Markle, Prince Harry share delightful photo of baby Archie ahead of the new year

FOX NEWS: Steve Harvey and Maria Menounos host 'Fox's New Year's Eve'

FOX NEWS: Jessica Simpson and Ashlee Simpson Ross enjoy ski vacation with husbands

FOX NEWS: ‘Transformers’ star Josh Duhamel to be paid $175G as the face of North Dakota after contract extension

FOX NEWS: Madonna brings beau Ahlamalik Williams, 25, on last family vacation of 2019: ‘We continue to swim with sharks’

FOX NEWS: Fox News Flash top entertainment headlines for Dec. 31

Data Breach at Wyze Labs Exposes Information of 2.4 Million Customers

Amyloid plaques may not necessarily come first in Alzheimer's disease, suggests new study

New combination of antibodies leads to more effective tumor destruction

In a southern Indian town, women prepare for first New Year party

Many facial-recognition systems are biased, says US study

No successors? For Chinese restaurant owners, that’s a success

Vintage Chinese teas are beating stock, commodity indices as prices soar at Hong Kong auction

From nuns to astronauts: 10 women cracking the glass ceiling in 2019

Tea, buses and elections: 7 uses of facial recognition that sparked debate in 2019

Pompeo to Meet With Ukraine’s Zelensky in Kyiv

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit by Ex-Trump Aide Subpoenaed in Impeachment Inquiry

Schumer Demands Witnesses Be Called at Senate Impeachment Trial

Double the Federal Minimum Wage

After Death From Falling Debris, Violations Found at 220 Buildings

The Legacy of Destructive Austerity

American Airstrikes Rally Iraqis Against U.S.

Consumers feel empowered and confused by direct-to-consumer fertility tests, study reveals

Wikipedia article of the day for December 31, 2019

New top story on Hacker News: “Wyze was committing espionage against American citizens in the United States”

New top story on Hacker News: Deep learning algorithm outperforms 5 full-time breast imaging specialists

New top story on Hacker News: Researchers observe brain-like behavior in nanoscale device

Picture of the day for December 31, 2019

fullness of time: Word of the day for December 31, 2019

New top story on Hacker News: Principles of the American Cargo Cult (2003)

New top story on Hacker News: How writing began, and other unexpectedly funny stories about cuneiform [video]

New top story on Hacker News: Taking a look at a covert CIA virtual fencing solution [video]

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Chromda – Serverless Website Screenshots

Asean members up the ante on South China Sea amid code of conduct talks

Eagles Overwhelm Giants to Clinch a Playoff Berth

New top story on Hacker News: Video: A Language for Making Movies

New top story on Hacker News: Quanta’s Year in Math and Computer Science (2019)

Thousands evacuated from Australian tourist haven as bushfires rage

How being ‘late’ to e-commerce gave Singapore’s Shopee an edge

Taiwan emerges as new market for LGBT+ surrogacy after gay marriage law

John Lewis, Congressman and Civil Rights Icon, Has Pancreatic Cancer

Bill Barr Thinks America Is Going to Hell

The Presidential Nominating Process Is Absurd

Wikipedia article of the day for December 30, 2019

New top story on Hacker News: Why I won't switch to Firefox as a web developer

New top story on Hacker News: A 3 weeks trip to Europe costed him 411$

Picture of the day for December 30, 2019

FOX NEWS: Ukraine, pro-Russian separatists swap prisoners in step to end 5-year war

FOX NEWS: Eric Shawn: New Year's predictions on the international front

FOX NEWS: Johnny ‘Joey’ Jones on Iran, Russia and China’s joint military exercises

FOX NEWS: US airstrikes target Hezbollah sites in retaliation for attack on Iraqi coalition base

hyperthymesia: Word of the day for December 30, 2019

New top story on Hacker News: SamyGO: Open-Source Firmware for Samsung TVs

New top story on Hacker News: YouTube seeks 'responsibility'

Look Up

The Decade of Disillusionment

New top story on Hacker News: Uncover, Understand, Own – Regaining Control over Your AMD CPU [video]

FOX NEWS: The most viral -- and bizarre -- social media influencer stories of 2019

FOX NEWS: Australian mommy blogger reveals why she refused morning sex with husband in brutally honest post

FOX NEWS: Viral video of girl crying over black doll for Christmas not racist, sister says

New top story on Hacker News: Computer Science from the Bottom Up

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Dating Site Without Pictures

Joe Burrow Threw 7 Touchdowns. And That Was Just L.S.U.’s First Half

New top story on Hacker News: FDA approves new treatment for adults with migraine

Fred P. Graham, Legal Affairs Reporter and Court TV Anchor, Dies at 88

Why do we love to run? Not just to relieve stress – it’s about freedom, achievement and competition, too

Alzheimer’s tests soon may be common. Should you get one?

Farm to table? More like ghost kitchen to sofa

Why is New York City’s skyline always lit up?

They said #MeToo in China. Now they are being sued

Wikipedia article of the day for December 29, 2019

New top story on Hacker News: FreeDB Is Shutting Down

New top story on Hacker News: YouTube’s Rabbit Hole of Radicalization [pdf]

Picture of the day for December 29, 2019

succour: Word of the day for December 29, 2019

New top story on Hacker News: The Watch Is Smart, but It Can’t Replace Your Doctor

Joe Biden Says He’d Defy Subpoena to Testify in Trump’s Senate Trial

ISIS Affiliate in Nigeria Releases a Video Showing 11 Executions

The ‘Infinity War’ in the Streets of Hong Kong

Neal R. Peirce, Who Put Spotlight on Urban Innovation, Dies at 87

A test for foreign teachers in Indonesia: Are you gay?

The Ganges brims with dangerous bacteria

How Hong Kong aims to revive coastal habitats lost to reclamation

China’s seniors, looking for love, head to the park

Get those records, tapes and CDs onto your smartphone

What are the chances of companies implementing a four-day working week in Hong Kong where long hours are a way of life?

Picture of the day for December 28, 2019

New top story on Hacker News: OpenSSL rsaz_512_sqr overflow bug on x86_64 (CVE-2019-1551)

New top story on Hacker News: The Basic Problem of Democracy (1919)

forthcoming: Word of the day for December 28, 2019

American Contractor Killed in Rocket Attack in Iraq

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Legal Notice: Product prices and availability are subject to change. Visit corresponding website for more details. Trade marks & images are copyrighted by their respective owners.